e-mail: ummyj.dctte@gmail.com
El mundo quiere vivir en un régimen con Libertad, eso es indiscutible, pero en la definición de la palabra Libertad en los diccionarios, NO existe puntualmente ¿hasta dónde son los límites permitidos?, solamente se menciona que deben de ser con responsabilidad respetando los derechos ajenos, dejando en la indefinición los límites y en lo que se refiera a lo ajeno o propiedad privada, este es uno de los más graves errores del sistema Político del Mundo, porque si queremos diseñar las leyes o sistema ideal, tenemos que iniciar por la esencia y filosofía, por lo que tenemos que puntualizar y definir qué debemos entender por LIBERTAD y aquí es donde tenemos que preguntarnos, ¿queremos vivir en armonía en el planeta?¿queremos ser respetados? Entonces tenemos que ofrecer RESPETO ¿a qué, y a quienes?
La respuesta es:
· A TODOS Y A TODO incluyendo a terceros ya sea FISICA, MATERIAL Y EMOCIONALMENTE. Como son a personas, animales, ecología o naturaleza, creencias religiosas, inclusive el universo mismo etc.,
Entonces definamos que nuestra filosofía de:
La libertad debe tener límites y fronteras que son el respeto a Personas, Animales, Ecología, creencias Religiosas ya sea a terceros FISICA, MATERIAL Y EMOCIONALMENTE inclusive al Universo mismo.
Esta definición debe urgentemente corregirse porque es una prueba del ¿Por qué? la leyes del mundo contienen graves errores ESTRUCTURALES e injustos, por consecuencia todas la leyes Constituidas en cada país son incongruentes, generando conflictos y violencia.
. La LIBERTAD se adquiere desde antes de nacer cualquier ser humano, a esto le debemos llamar DERECHOS, pero al crecer la persona paulatinamente va adquiriendo conciencia de la vida, a esto le llamamos OBLIGACIONES, es la etapa de la niñez la más importante para educar a todo ser humano que la LIBERTAD se gana con el RESPETO, eduquemos a nuestros hijos con estos principios y recordemos que la unica arma para conservar la LIBERTAD es que siempre nos acompañe el RESPETO.
La decisión personal con LIBERTAD de cualquier acto individual solo puede ser limitada por la no afectación a terceros.
La solución definitiva esta en estructurar y basar las leyes y constituciones políticas de todo el mundo con un FACTOR COMUN Y CONSTANTE DEL RESPETO, este factor es determinante para generar juicios JUSTOS, porque actualmente todas las constituciones politicas son solo un bello poema pero contienen injusticia y errores imperdonables, por ejemplo:
- – EL ABORTO: Podrá ser permitido mientras NO exista vida en el producto, el objetivo es el respeto en defensa a la vida, y aunque sea un embarazo forzado por violación o cualquier otro motivo, la comunidad científica debe decidir en cuantas semanas o días ya tiene vida el producto del embarazo. En nuestro actual sistema es injusto cualquier decisión, ya que el sistema de gobierno no contempla el apoyo para el nuevo ser humano y tampoco para la madre, en cambio en el proyecto de UNMYJ el sistema brindara apoyo a ambos o a quien resulte necesitarlo, y castigar a la persona responsable de la violación o acto irresponsable.
- – Naturaleza: el hombre desde que apareció en el planeta ha destruido la mayor parte de áreas productivas y de vida natural ocasionando enormes desastres ecológicos y de calentamiento global y a la fecha los gobiernos siguen otorgando títulos de propiedad de lo poco de vida remanente, este es una muestra que nuestras leyes carecen de este factor CONSTANTE Y COMUN del RESPETO.
- – LEGALIZACION DE DROGAS: Cualquier persona que consuma estupefacientes de cualquier tipo, está comprobado científicamente de alteración en su sistema emocional y de conducta y adicción por lo que resulta un riesgo a terceros incluyendo la influencia a menores de edad, cualquier estupefaciente podrá utilizarse únicamente para uso médico o en ayuda para enfermos que la ciencia lo determine.
– El afectar emocionalmente a un menor al ser influenciado por la conducta publica de exhibicionismo erótico de parejas Heterosexual como homosexual no es motivo para la falta de RESPETO con afectación a terceros, lógicamente la afectación emocional en su desarrollo del menor estará influenciada por estos actos, la conducta deberá ser mesurada discreta y con privacidad razonada. RESPETANDO los límites morales para la no afectación a terceros. - – RESPETO A: Preferencias sexuales, Religiosas, Genero, Raciales etc., pero con estricto apego a los Derechos Humanos, ya que en algunos pueblos o países existen creencias heredadas por costumbres ancestrales y la mayoría de las veces dañan física y emocionalmente a mujeres y niños, estos daños deberán erradicarse en todo el mundo, la irracionalidad del género masculino tiene el deber de respetar a niños y mujeres en sus derechos humanos, individualmente los adultos pueden tener la libertad de realizar acciones propias pero sin afectación a terceros.
Podemos seguir mostrando innumerables ejemplos donde el factor constante y común deberá ser el RESPETO irrestricto, pero al incluir este factor con estos principios filosóficos las leyes y constituciones políticas del mundo medirán de la misma forma y los resultados seguramente serán JUSTAS.
. Merece un tema aparte el analizar que es una Religión, ¿Es Fe? ¿Cuál es su Objetivo? ¿La religión es matar o dar Vida? ¿Cuáles entran en la clasificación de Religión o de Sectas? ¿Cuántas supuestas religiones existen actualmente? ¿Cuáles son las religiones raíz y cuales se debe etiquetar como sectas?
The world wants to live in a regime with Freedom, that is indisputable, but in the definition of the word Freedom in dictionaries, it does not exist punctually to what extent are the limits allowed ?, only mentions that they must be with responsibility respecting the rights Foreign, leaving in the Indefiniteness the limits and in what refers to the alien or private property, this is one of the most serious errors of the Political System of the World, because if we want to design the laws or ideal system, we have to start by the Essence and philosophy, so we have to point out and define what we should understand by FREEDOM and this is where we have to ask ourselves, do we want to live in harmony on the planet, do we want to be respected? Then we have to offer RESPECT to what, and to whom?
The answer is:
- TO ALL AND TO ALL including third parties, either PHYSICAL, MATERIAL AND EMOTIONALLY. As they are to people, animals, ecology or nature, religious beliefs, including the universe itself, etc.,
So let’s define our philosophy of:
This definition must be corrected urgently because it is a proof of the Why? The laws of the world contain serious STRUCTURAL and unfair errors, consequently all the laws constituted in each country are incongruent, generating conflicts and violence.
FREEDOM is acquired from before the birth of any human being, to this we must call RIGHTS, but as the person grows gradually becomes aware of life, this is called OBLIGATIONS, it is the stage of childhood that is the most important to educate Every human being that FREEDOM is won with RESPECT, educate our children with these principles and remember that the only weapon to preserve FREEDOM is that we always have RESPECT.
The personal decision with FREEDOM of any individual act can only be limited by the non-affectation to third parties.
The final solution is to structure and base the laws and political constitutions of the world with a common and constant factor of respect, this factor is decisive to generate judgments, because at present all political constitutions are just a beautiful poem but contain injustice and Unforgivable errors, for example:
– ABORTION: It may be allowed as long as there is NO life in the product, the objective is the respect in defense of life, and even if it is a pregnancy forced for rape or any other reason, the scientific community must decide in how many weeks or days The product of pregnancy has life. In our current system is unjust any decision, since the system of government does not contemplate the support for the new human being and also for the mother, instead in the ABFW project the system will provide support to both or whoever needs it, and punish To the person responsible for the violation or irresponsible act.
– Nature: man since he appeared on the planet has destroyed most productive areas and natural life causing huge ecological disasters and global warming and to date governments continue to grant property titles of the remaining life, this is A sign that our laws lack this CONSTANT AND COMMON RESPECT factor.
– LEGALIZATION OF DRUGS: Any person who consumes narcotic drugs of any type, is scientifically proven to alter their emotional and behavioral system and addiction, resulting in a risk to third parties including the influence of minors, any narcotic drugs may be used only for Medical use or help for patients as determined by science.
– Emotionally affecting a kid to be influenced by the public behavior of erotic exhibitionism of heterosexual couples as homosexual is not cause for lack of RESPECT with affectation to third parties, logically the emotional affection in their development of the minor will be influenced by these acts, the Behavior must be measured discreetly and with reasoned privacy. RESPECTING the moral limits for non-affectation to third parties.
– RESPECT TO: Sexual preferences, Religious, Gender, Racial, etc., but with strict adherence to Human Rights, since in some peoples or countries there are beliefs inherited by ancestral customs and most of the times physically and emotionally harm women and Children, these damages must be eradicated throughout the world, the irrationality of the male gender has the duty to respect children and women in their human rights, individually adults can have the freedom to carry out their own actions but without affecting third parties.
We can continue to show innumerable examples where the constant and common factor must be RESPECT unrestricted, but by including this factor with these philosophical principles the laws and political constitutions of the world will measure in the same way and the results will surely be FAIR.
. It deserves a separate theme analyzing that it is a Religion, Is It Faith? What’s your objective? Is religion killing or giving life? Which ones fall into the classification of Religion or Sects? How many so-called religions currently exist? What are the root religions and which ones should be labeled as sects?
. The personal decision with FREEDOM of any individual and personal act can only limit the limits of non-affectation to third parties. The final solution is to structure and base the laws and political constitutions on a common and constant factor of respect, this factor is decisive to generate RIGHT judgments, for example:
- ABORTION: It may be allowed as long as there is NO life in the product, the objective is the respect in defense of life, and even if it is a pregnancy forced for rape or any other reason, the scientific community must decide in how many weeks or days That pregnancy product has life.
- Nature: man since he appeared on the planet has destroyed most productive areas and natural life causing huge ecological disasters and global warming and to date governments continue to grant titles of property of the remaining life, this is A sign that our laws lack this CONSTANT AND COMMON RESPECT factor.
- LEGALIZATION OF DRUGS: Any person who consumes narcotic drugs of all kinds, is scientifically proven to alter their emotional and behavioral system and addiction, resulting in a risk to third parties including the influence of minors, any narcotic drugs can be used only for Medical use or help for patients as determined by science.
- Adoption of minors by homosexual couples: The emotional affect of a minor to be influenced by the behavior of the couple is reason for lack of RESPECT with affectation to third parties, logically the emotional affection in their development of the child will be influenced by these acts, equally Social exhibitionism or erotic behavior in public, both in homosexual and heterosexual couples, should be measured with RESPETO within the moral limits for non-affectation to third parties, especially minors, this behavior must be measured and with reasoned privacy.
- RESPECT TO: Sexual preferences, Religious, Gender, Racial, etc., but with strict adherence to Human Rights, since in some peoples or countries there are beliefs inherited by ancestral customs and most of the times physically and emotionally harm women and Children, these damages must be eradicated throughout the world, the irrationality of the male gender has the duty to respect children and women in their human rights, individually the adults can be free to carry out their own actions but without affecting third parties.
. We can continue to show innumerable examples where the constant and common factor must be RESPECT unrestricted, but by including this factor with these philosophical principles the laws and political constitutions of the world will measure in the same way and the results will surely be FAIR.
. It deserves a separate theme analyzing that it is a Religion, Is It Faith? What’s your objective? Is religion killing or giving life? Which ones fall into the classification of Religion or Sects? How many so-called religions currently exist? What are the root religions and which ones should be labeled as sects?